Home » HEAR TODAY – Reviews
“In this bible study, Pastor David Fiensy choose twelve of the parables found in the New Testament. In my opinion, this book is an invitation to stop, renew our vision and understanding of what we may know for years with a wider and profound explanation. I was deeply surprised while working on each chapter, I could see how important and necessary is to understand what was the purpose behind this parables and how we can apply to our daily life. The only thing I must say I found I little limited is that this Bible Study is designed for groups, I started by myself and they were many questions I couldn’t answer since I was doing it alone. However, if there’s a group, that wants to do this Bible study could be a huge blessing. I believe it would open eyes and help them see many things with a fresh new perspective according to God’s way.
Marvy H, Reviewer -- Net Galley Review
“Insightful, educational, and refreshing approach to Jesus' words. Great resource work when teaching on Jesus' words & ancient cultural application.
Allsag -- Amazon Review